Robert Jackson

Days of 2017

I started again at Cavafy, and saw poetic eyes
in every face I’d meet. All soon lost, even
in the mid-afternoon, when the limestone
glowed like gold, with that slight volume
slowly crushed in my bag through those
very streets it changed. Or even transfigured.

I remember holding the first few ‘serious’ books
in my life like lovers. After dark, windows
thrown open to so many moths. Pale, unhealthy
wings, beating at a glass they couldn’t seem to miss.

I must since have grown cruel, or slightly
practical, not so much to people but definitely
to printed matter. Wanton at a library desk,
less so at wine taverns. Pray for me,
at shrines pagan or otherwise–whatever
survives this casual moment of history.


Robert Jackson is currently an undergraduate English student at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He has previously had poems published by Notes Oxford, ASH and Oxford Writers’ House.