Kyle Lovell

A Situation of Meat and Grace

after Francis Bacon and Simone Weil

There are two paintings:

the crucifixion
a flesh-coated thing
hollowed and hung in a
butcher’s window
awaiting some god’s gaze
as the traffic passes
and the butcher’s dog lears
gasping for a mouthful

There is no lack

of divine forgetfulness
in its blood-let figure
arms outstretched
in the same manner as ribs
toward a sign laying below
in a pool of water
My meat is to do
the will of Him
that sent me


The other painting is of a child
with a cross around his neck.

He kneels, praying, in front
of the butcher’s window.

The exact wording of his prayer
is drawn out in fogged breath

upon the glass.


Kyle Lovell was named a Foyle Young Poet, and his work has been published in magazines such as Magma. He has read at the Wenlock Poetry Festival and Wise Words.