Anurak Saelaow


Missive Concluding in a River

How do I slink into this crowd —
with its obtuse bodies
or swells of chatter —

and not think of Prufrock
hawing in his chambers
with a finger rubbed raw

against his lip, scrawling
down the steady fugue
of his own drowning —

these stems, this grass
having taken on the shade
of brine — greasy light

trickling into mouths
with the certitude of silt
sliding from brink

to bed, tracing out
its stealthy eddies, settling
into a river’s shape

until a stray ankle breaks
its hidden waltz,
a stranger careening in

without fear of that
which swirls beneath him —
as if no toothy shape

or tricky form could
ensnare him, no current
would seize his waist

and pull him under,
his words wrenched away
and rendered as air.


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Anurak Saelaow has been published in Cha: An Asian Literary JournalHayden’s Ferry Review, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Amarillo Bay, and elsewhere. He holds a BA in creative writing from Columbia University.